Wednesday, March 31, 2010

english exercises for junior high school

CHOOSE for the correct answer !!!
1. Man : Why do you look so pale and weak ?Women : I have a painful stomachache
    a. Man : You should go to the doctor. Let i’ll a company you
    b. What does the man express ? the man express
    c. Advice d. Disagreement
    d. Agreement e. Dissatisfaction
    e. Satisfaction

2. The phrases below are expressing opinion, except 
    a. In my opinion you must join the class
    b. Ass I see it, the problem is quiet difficult
    c. Personally. I think that you need more practice
    d. I’m sorry to hear that
    e. To my mind, it would be better to revise the draft.

3. sisca : boy, I still love you with all my heart
    boy : ……..
    the appropriate response of refusing for love expression is,….
    a. sorry d. sory, I can’t accept your feeling
    b. Don’t love me e. No problem
    c. Do I love you?

READ MORE - english exercises for junior high school

Thursday, March 25, 2010



Greenhouse Effect or the Greenhouse Effect is a term that was originally derived from the experience of farmers in temperate climates who grow vegetables and seeds in the greenhouse. Their experience shows that in the daytime when the weather clears, even without the heater in the room temperature in the greenhouse is higher than the temperature welcome.

This occurs because sunlight is reflected back through the glass by the plant / soil in the greenhouse space as a form of infrared rays heat. The reflected rays can not get out of the room so that the greenhouse air in the greenhouse temperature rises and the heat trapped in the greenhouse room and not mixed with the air outside the greenhouse.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Three Main Classes Flatworm

Three Main Classes Flatworm
1. TURBELARIA (Shakes-Headed Worms)

The only free-living class (non-parasitic), for example is a system of planarians excretion from the cells fire (Flame Cell). Hermafradit are empowered regeneration and fast.

2. TREMATODA (wormwood Suck)
The types of this class are:

Fasciola hepatica (liver worm farm), is hetmafrodit. Life cycle are: egg Mirasidium larvae into the body of the snail Lymnea Sporokista develop into larvae (II): Redia  larvae (III): Serkaria the tail, then out of the snail's body  cyst attached to the vegetation water ( especially water lettuce Nasturqium officinale) and then consumed livestock (to be contagious to people, when eating watercress) Þ into the body and becomes an adult worm causes Fascioliasis.
READ MORE - Three Main Classes Flatworm

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

i'm confused...

lagi bingung nich mo posting apa ?

what would happen if the problem is not resolved?
if you've had a very big problem that can not solve alone?

crack man

one way to get your problem is resolved in consultation with a friend, doctor or consultant who you believe
READ MORE - i'm confused...


1. Ascon
2. Sycon
3. Rhagon (Leucon)

Having a large cavity in the middle of his body that serves as the intestines in animals a high level. Cavity is called the cavity Gastrovaskuler. Radial symmetry of her body and there is tentacle around his mouth which is used to capture and put food into his body. Vang tentacles equipped Knidoblas cells that contain toxins called sting Nematokis (characteristic of animals hollow).

Body wall consisting of 2 layers of institutions:
1. Þ outer ectoderm
2. Þ part of the endoderm

Monday, March 08, 2010



1. Unicellular blue algae
- Chroococcus -> live in the water / pond is calm
- Gloeocapsa -> live on a rock or epiphytes on other plants

2. Unicellular blue algae colonize
- Polycistis
- Spirulina -> can be processed into health foods (food supplement)

3. Threadlike blue algae
- Oscillatoria
- Nostoc commune
- Anabaena azollae and anabaena cycadae bersimbiosis with Azolla pinnata and Cycas rumphii. Anabaena symbiosis with its azollae Azolla pinnata as an alternative to urea, because of this symbiosis can increase nitrogen levels in rice cultivation.

Algae are plants that do not have roots, stems and leaves of the truth, but already has that chlorophyll is autotrof. His body consists of a single cell (unicellular) and others that many cells (multi-cellular). The unicellular generally as being a multicellular Phytoplankton can live as Nekton, benthos or Perifiton.

Algae habitat is water or in wet areas, as Epiphyte or as Endofit.
Algae reproduce by vegetative and generative way.


Bacterial pathogens are parasites that can cause disease in other organisms.
In plants, for example:
Xanthomonas citri>> cause of cancer stem oranges.
Erwinia trachelphilia>> cause of late blight pumpkin.

In animals such as:
Bacillus antraxis>> the cause of anthrax disease in cattle.
Actynomyces bovis>> cause of swelling in the jaw disease cows.

In humans for example:
Salmonella thyphosa>> the cause of typhus fever
Mycobacterium tuberculosis>> the cause of tuberculosis
Mycobacterium leprae>> the cause of leprosy
Treponema pallidum>> cause of syphilis
Shigella dysentriae>> cause dysentery basiler
Diplococcus pneumoniae>> cause of the disease pneumonia
Vibrio cholera>> the cause of cholera


Sunday, March 07, 2010

5. Regnum Plantae (green plants)


Members + / - 500,000 to 600,000 spesies
1. Alga / algae Divided into several classes:
a. Chlorophyta: Green Algae
b. Chrysophyta: Golden Algae
c. Phaeophyta: algae Bollywood / Brown
d. Rhodophyta: Red algae.

2. Bryophyta: mosses

3. Pteridophyta: ferns Divided into several classes:
a. Class Psilophytinae
b. Class Equisetinae
c. Class Lycopodinae
d. Class Filicinae

4. Spermatophyta OR THE seeds
Produce seeds as a breeding tool, another name Embriophyta Siphonogamae (berembrio plants whose marriage through a channel) or Antophyta (flowering plants) or Phanerogamae (visible genitals namely the stamens and pistils).


In classifying animal phyla to taxon biologists use several characteristics of animals, among others:
1. Unicellular or multicellular
2. Diploblastik or tripoblastik.
3. Metameri or non metameri.
4. Asymmetry, radial symmetry or bilateral symmetry.
5. Berbuku-member body of the book or not.
6. Having outer skeleton or framework within.
7. Having notokord or not.
8. The shape and location of the organ systems.

READ MORE - 5. Regnum Plantae (green plants)

4. LEVEL taxonomic

LEVEL taxonomic

Also called pengelompokkan.Tingkatan level was developed by a group (taxon) is the most common up to the most specialized group, with the order level as follows:
1. Regnum / Kingdom (The World / Empire)
2. Division / Phyllum (Plant / Animals)
3. Classic (Class)
4. Order (Nation)
5. Familia (Family)
6. Genus (Genera)
7. Species (Type)

In naming the living things we know the name of the area (dog, dog) and the scientific name (ex: canine). Name of the region can only be understood by the population in the area. Scientific names are used as a means of scientific communication in the world using the Latin / a dilatinkan. Each organism has only one legal name.

Nomenclature system used is called "binomial nomenclatur" naming the species / species by using 2 words. For example: rice > O ryza sativa. Ways:

Preposition: family name (genus)
The word back: a directory of species (species epithet). Binomial system of nomenclature popularized its use by Carolus Linnaeus.

Class name is the genus name + nae. example: Equisetum + nae, a Equisetinae class.
Name order is the genus name + ales. example: + Zingiber ales, a Zingiberales orders.
Family name is the name of the genus + aceae. example: Canna + aceae, a family Cannacea

Whitaker (1969) classify living things into five kingdoms / Regnum:

1. Kingdom Monera
Monera is a group of organisms that are prokaryotic (core cell has no nucleus membrane). Regnum is divided into two groups namely:
1.1. Group bacteria (Schizophyta / Schizomycetes)
1.2. Group blue algae (Cyanophyta)

2. Regnum Protista
Protista are eukaryotic organisms that are (already have a cell nucleus membrane core). Regnum formation was proposed by Ernst Haeckel on the consideration of organisms yagn-organise a plant trait (berklorofil) and are typical of animals (to move). Included in this Kingdom are:
2.1. Protozoa
2.2. Single-celled algae

3. Kingdom Fungi (mushroom)
Fungi are unicellular organisms (single celled) and multicellular (many celled) that are not berklorofil, multicellular fungi can form threads called hifa. All the members of this Kingdom is heterotrof. Kingdom is divided into several divisions, namely:
1.1. Oomycotina
1.2. Zygomycotina
1.3. Ascomycotina
1.4. Basidiomycotina
1.5. Deuteromycotina

4. Regnum Plantae (green plants)
Include many-celled organisms (multicellular) and the cells have a cell wall. Almost all members so that berklorofil nature autotrof. Included in the Regnum Plantae are:
1.1. Celled algae many (outside of the blue algae)
1.2. Moss (Bryophyta)
1.3. Ferns (Pteridophyta)
1.4. Berbiji plants (Spermatophyta)

5. Kingdom Animalia (Animal Kingdom)
Include many-celled organisms, which are not cells and cell walls that are berklorofil not heterotrof. These included the phylum Regnum:
1.1. Porifera
1.2. Coelenterata
1.3. Flatworm
1.4. Nemathelminthes
1.5. Annelid
1.6 Echinodermata
1.7 Arthropoda
1.8 Chordata

continue to next post : Regnum Plantae (green plants)
READ MORE - 4. LEVEL taxonomic

Thursday, February 11, 2010

3. The diversity of ecosystems

3. The diversity of ecosystems
This level of diversity can be demonstrated by the variety of ecosystems in the biosphere.
moss ecosystems, tropical forest ecosystem, desert ecosystem, each ecosystem has a unique organism to ecosystem. another example, the desert ecosystem in which there are camel, cactus, and tropical forest ecosystem in which there is a tiger.

These three kinds of diversity can not be separated from one another. All three viewed as a whole or the totality of the biodiversity.

1. With the discovery of the gene is keanekaragamaan basic capital to do genetic engineering and hybridization (crossing) to obtain the expected seeds. Knowing the existence
2. types kenaekaragaman can lead us to seek alternatives to food, clothing materials, and the board, also can lead us select superior animals that can be cultivated.
3. By knowing the diversity of our ecosystem can develop biological resources that match the particular ecosystem in order to increase agricultural and livestock that in turn can improve people's welfare.

Classified into 3
1. Natural Classification System
- Created by Theophrastus (370SM - 285SM), one of the disciples of Aristotle
- Based on a form that can be seen with the naked eye (morphology)
- The plant is divided into 4 groups: trees, bushes, shrubs and herbaceous

2. Artificial Classification System
- Created by Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), Swedish scientist
- Known as the father of classification
- The basic tool used is sexual reproduction, other base used is morphology.
- A classification of living things based on its impact on human
- For example: toxic or useful, domesticated or wild, weed or vegetables.

3. phylogenetic classification system
- Created by Charles Darwin in 1859, published a book about the theory of evolution.
- He states that the equation shows the relationship of structure closer kinship.
- Based on the order of development of living organisms (phylogeny) and knowing of kinship with each other.

 Continue to LEVEL taxonomic
READ MORE - 3. The diversity of ecosystems

2. The diversity of species (species)

2. The diversity of species (species)

This diversity is more easily observed than the diversity of genes. This level of biodiversity can be shown by the variety of types of good living that includes groups of animals, plants and microbes.


- Variations in a family of cats and tigers. They are included in one family (family / family Felidae) although there are physical differences, behavior and habitat.

continue to  3. The diversity of ecosystems
READ MORE - 2. The diversity of species (species)

Biodiversity 1. Various Level Biodiversity

1. Various Level Biodiversity

Biodiversity can occur at various levels of life, ranging from low levels of organisms to high-level organisms. Example of single-celled creatures to many-celled creatures; and organizational levels of individuals living up to the level of complex interactions, such as from species to ecosystems.

In general, biodiversity is divided into three levels, namely:
1. Gene diversity
Every living organism trait controlled by a pair of hereditary factors (genes), one of the other parent of the male and female parent. This level of diversity can be shown by the variation in one species.

- Variations of coconut: coconut ivory, green coconut
- Variations of dogs: a bulldog, shepherd dog, mongrel
What makes this variation is: The formula: F = G + L

F = phenotypic
G = genoti
L = environmental

If G changed for some reason (mutation, etc.) or L changes there will be a change in F. Change is what causes this variation.

Fig. Morphological variation in a single variety of wheat due to cross

continue to 2. The diversity of species (species)
READ MORE - Biodiversity 1. Various Level Biodiversity