1. TURBELARIA (Shakes-Headed Worms)
The only free-living class (non-parasitic), for example is a system of planarians excretion from the cells fire (Flame Cell). Hermafradit are empowered regeneration and fast.
2. TREMATODA (wormwood Suck)
The types of this class are:
Fasciola hepatica (liver worm farm), is hetmafrodit. Life cycle are: egg Mirasidium larvae into the body of the snail Lymnea Sporokista develop into larvae (II): Redia larvae (III): Serkaria the tail, then out of the snail's body cyst attached to the vegetation water ( especially water lettuce Nasturqium officinale) and then consumed livestock (to be contagious to people, when eating watercress) Þ into the body and becomes an adult worm causes Fascioliasis.
Clonorchis sinensis / Opistorchis sinensis (human liver worms) is a life cycle: eggs larvae Mirasidium Sporokista larvae (II): Redia larvae (III): Serkaria larvae (IV): Metaserkaria, enter the body and then consumed by The adult worm fish, causing Clonorchiasis. Schistosoma, Schistosoma japonicum Examples are, Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni. dipembuluh life blood and a blood parasite. Snail intermediate host has. Schistosomiasis causes. Paragonimus westermani (lung worms), which becomes parasitic worm in the human lung. As an intermediate host is the crab (Eriocheirsinensis) and water plants. Paragonimiasis cause. Fasciolopsis Buski, which becomes parasitic worm in the human body. Life in the small intestine. Intermediate host is the water plant. Fasciolopsiasis cause.
3. CESTODA (Ribbon Worms)
His body consists of a series of segments, each of which is called Proglottid.
Head called Skoleks and have suction device (Sucker) which has a hook (Rostelum) made of chitin. The formation of segments (segmentation) on Strobilasi called tapeworm.
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