Sunday, March 07, 2010

5. Regnum Plantae (green plants)


Members + / - 500,000 to 600,000 spesies
1. Alga / algae Divided into several classes:
a. Chlorophyta: Green Algae
b. Chrysophyta: Golden Algae
c. Phaeophyta: algae Bollywood / Brown
d. Rhodophyta: Red algae.

2. Bryophyta: mosses

3. Pteridophyta: ferns Divided into several classes:
a. Class Psilophytinae
b. Class Equisetinae
c. Class Lycopodinae
d. Class Filicinae

4. Spermatophyta OR THE seeds
Produce seeds as a breeding tool, another name Embriophyta Siphonogamae (berembrio plants whose marriage through a channel) or Antophyta (flowering plants) or Phanerogamae (visible genitals namely the stamens and pistils).


In classifying animal phyla to taxon biologists use several characteristics of animals, among others:
1. Unicellular or multicellular
2. Diploblastik or tripoblastik.
3. Metameri or non metameri.
4. Asymmetry, radial symmetry or bilateral symmetry.
5. Berbuku-member body of the book or not.
6. Having outer skeleton or framework within.
7. Having notokord or not.
8. The shape and location of the organ systems.

For the classification of animals, which discussed only the phylum Chordata.
The main features are (1) has a chorda dorsalis / notokord and (2) bilaterally symmetrical body. Divided into 4 subphylum:
1. Subphylum Hemichordata
2. Subphylum tunicates / Urochordata
3. Subphylum Cephalochordata
4. Subphylum Vertebrata

Subphylum Vertebrata is divided into several classes:
1. Class Agnatha: Fish do not berahang
2. Chondrichtyes: cartilaginous fish
3. Osteichtyes: true bony fish
4. Amphibi: frogs and salamanders
5. Class Reptiles: animal reptile
6. Class Aves: birds
7. Class Mammalia: mammals

Example: cats Classification

Kingdom = Animalia, Phylum = Chordata, Subphylum = Vertebrata, Class = Mammalia, Order = Carnivora, Family = Felidae, genus = Felis, Species = Felis domestica (cat)

The virus is called the science of Virology. Virus (Latin) = poison. Almost all the viruses can cause disease in other organisms. Currently the virus is a creature that most small size. The virus can only be seen by electron microscopy and escape from the filter bacteria (bacteria filter).


D. Iwanowsky (1892) and M. Beyerinck (1899) is a scientist who discovered the virus, when they examine the mosaic disease of tobacco leaves.

Then WM Stanley (1935) an American scientist had crystallized the virus that causes tobacco mosaic disease (virus TVM).


His body still has not be called a cell, only the sheath is composed of proteins on the outside and nucleic acids (ARN & Eden) on the inside. Based on the nucleic acid contained in the virus, we know the virus and the virus ARN Eden. The virus can only reproduce (replicate) in a medium that life (the embryo, animal tissue, plant tissue). The materials required to form parts of new viruses, derived from the cytoplasm of infected cells.

continue to next post : VARIOUS VIRUS THAT HARM

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